Aug 26, 2020
The language we choose to use for survey questions can shape what we learn about what people think about social concerns. On this episode, we talk with Mandy Sha and Tim Gabel, editors of a new book for RTI Press called The Essential Role of Language in Survey...
Aug 19, 2020
The pandemic has highlighted how much many people depend on technology to talk with other people. What do we know about the effects of our situation? On this episode, we talk with University of Kansas communication scholar Jeff Hall about his new book, Relating Through Technology.
Aug 12, 2020
As the COVID-19 pandemic has unfolded, it has not been difficult to find news headlines noting striking disparities between demographic groups. Such headlines alone do not tell us the whole story, though. On this episode, researcher LaShawn Glasgow of RTI International discusses her new essay on health disparities...
Aug 5, 2020
As the world experiences the COVID-19 pandemic, public health officials have worried about the potential for problematic substance use including alcohol. On this episode, we talk with researchers Carolina Barbosa, Alexander Cowell, and Bill Dowd of RTI International about a survey effort to understand patterns...