Jun 24, 2015
How do you sell brotherhood like you sell soap? Dr. Craig Lefebvre joins us to discuss the fascinating work occurring with social marketing and public health.
Jun 18, 2015
We talk with expert Steve Dalton, from Duke University, about the science behind job searching.
Jun 15, 2015
In this special episode of The Measure of Everyday Life, we discuss the progression of public health over the years. We also have a chance to hear questions from the audience after the talk.
Jun 11, 2015
Why doesn't everyone wear seat belts? How do we get people to use seat belts? Bill Hall and Cynthia Augustine join us for a conversation on seat belts and social science.
Jun 4, 2015
How does human behavior affect natural resource management? Christopher Galik reviews the importance of forestry management and how it goes beyond preserving trees.